Starting with CSS part:2

Starting with CSS part:2

1:-why CSS selectors are used in HTML?

Ans:- CSS selectors are used in HTML elements that you want to style and they are a fundamental part of working with CSS. CSS selectors can be used to select elements based on their type, class, ID, attributes or dynamic state or position.

2:-what are the different types of selectors in CSS?

Ans:-the following are the types of selectors :

(i) simple selectors

(ii) combinators selectors

(iii) Attributes selectors

(iv) pseudo-class selectors

(v) pseudo-elements selectors

3:-how do you include external fonts and apply them?


step 1:- browse the google font library

Step 2:-Select the font and customize the style.

Step 3:- generate the code for adding the font to your projects.

Step 4:- use the font in your CSS.