1:- what are the new things introduced in HTML5?
Ans:- HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and includes new features. that are (i)-data, offline, on abort, blur etc.
(ii)-it provides support for audio, video and other multimedia content by using tags like<audio>, <video> and <canvas> etc.
(iii)- In HTML5 there are many more tag options available like header, footer, article, section etc.
(iv)- HTML5 supports SEO(search engine optimization).
2:- What are semantic tags? give a couple of examples.
Ans:- In HTML semantic tags are tags that describe the meaning or purpose of the container. semantic tags are used to add meaning to the content of a web page, making it easier for search engines and other systems to understand the content of a web page.
Examples of semantic tags:-<article>,<header>,<footer> etc.
3:-List some uses of semantic tags.
Ans:- Website, Web applications, E-commerce platforms, Blogs and content management system etc.