Html Assignment

1:-Explain the Table and its properties.

Ans:- Web developers can organize information like text, images, links and other data into rows and columns of cells using an HTML table.

The <table> tag is used to generate HTML tables, T.

The table rows are created using the <tr> tag.while data cells are created using the <td> tag.

2:-Explain all the media elements and how they work.

Ans:- most popular media element tags i.e. <audio>, <video>, <source> etc.

<audio>:- it is an inline element that is used to embed sound files into a web page.

<video>:- it is used to embed video files into web pages.

<source>:- it is used to embed multiple media files into a web page like audio, video, pictures etc.

<embed>:- it is used for embedding external applications which are generally multimedia content like audio or video into an HTML document.

<track>:- it specifies text tracks for media components audio or video.

3:- what are GET and POST in form?

Ans:- GET and POST are the HTTP request method. HTTP request method defines a set of request methods to indicate the desired action to be performed for a given resource.

GET:- the GET method requests a representation of the specified resource, requests using GET should only retrieve data.

POST:- defines an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effect on the server.

4:-list all the input types we have in forms.

Ans:-Here are the different input types you can use in HTML:

  • <input type="button">

  • <input type="checkbox">

  • <input type="color">

  • <input type="date">

  • <input type="datetime-local">

  • <input type="email">

  • <input type="file">

  • <input type="hidden">

  • <input type="image">

  • <input type="month">

  • <input type="number">

  • <input type="password">

  • <input type="radio">

  • <input type="range">

  • <input type="reset">

  • <input type="search">

  • <input type="submit">

  • <input type="tel">

  • <input type="text">

  • <input type="time">

  • <input type="url">

  • <input type="week">

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