Getting Started Assignment

1:-why do we start learning a programming language with “Hello, World!”?

Ans:-” Hello, World!” program is used first because this is the first program where the new coders learn and execute the program. it illustrates how the process of coding works.

2:-How is the use of comments and how do you write comments in HTML?

Ans:-The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source code. comments are not displayed in the browsers. you can use comments to explain your code, which can help you edit the source code at a later date. write in the form of <!--....-->this is the HTML tag.In between the tag we can write our text code and also comment on it by using this format.

3;-what are the elements, tags, and attributes, and the difference between them?

Ans:-ELEMENT:- <>content</>, here <> is the start tag or opening tag and </> is the end tag and also called the closing tag. In between them what we write is called elements.

for ex:-<h1>my name is sunil</h1>.here “my name is sunil” is elements.


HTML tags are like keywords that define how a web browser will format and display the content. with the help of HTML tags, web browsers can distinguish between normal content and HTML content. every tag in HTML performs different tasks. used open tag<> and close tag</> in between them used some content called elements.


Html attributes provide additional information about HTML elements.

Attributes are always specified in the start tag. for example:-< a href=””>freebloghere</a>.here<a> tag defines the hyperlink.

Another example:- <img src=” ” alt=” ”/>

Here source and alternatives are the attributes of an image.

4:-briefly explain entities in HTML/?

Ans:-Reserved characters in HTML must be replaced with character entities. EXAMPLE:- for < used as “&lt” for greater than use “&gt” for non breaking space use “ &nbsp”

We are not using (<),(>) signs because if we use them then our browser might mix them and give a text result.

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