Base Building Assignment

1:-What is the internet? Explain in your own words.

Ans:-It is a network that connects multiple devices for sharing information and data. From one device to another device data will share by TCP/IP protocol over the network.

2:-what is a web browser?

Ans:-Web browser is software that is in form of an application or website. which is the interface between the client and server. Where the client sends a request that is received by a web browser and then gives the result from server to client. In the world wide web form web browser applications are explored. for example:-Microsoft edge, google chrome etc.

3:-What is a browser engine?

Ans:-web browser is a core software component of a web browser. Two main engines of it. one is UI(user interface) where the user can see the screen or display. where use HTML and CSS engines.

The second one is the javascript engine.

4:What is a static site?

Ans:- It is a simple website that is made by HTML, CSS and javascript. mainly used on the college website or personal blogs. it doesn’t connect with the server.

5:-What is the dynamic site?

Ans:-It is a full functional website where the data are a time to time changed .it connect with the server and .required more employee to manage it. very cost-effective. it is required for both frontend and backend software and also API for making a full website. for example:- Times of India, Twitter etc.

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